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I am a Professor of International Relations at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of Sabancı University and Senior Scholar and Research and Academic Affairs Coordinator at the Istanbul Policy Center. I am also a non-resident fellow at the Institute for European Policymaking at Bocconi University. I am currently based at the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin as a Richard von Weizsacker Fellow.

My main research interests include European foreign policy, Turkish foreign policy, EU-Turkey relations, discourse studies and identity in international relations and particularly in European foreign policy. I have also conducted research and published in the field of international democracy support, both in the context of European foreign policy through enlargement and Turkish foreign policy. I hold a Ph.D. from Vrije Universiteit Brussels, an MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science, and a BA from Boğaziçi University.

My articles are published in journals such as International Affairs, Journal of DemocracyEuropean Journal of International Relations, Journal of Common Market Studies, West European Politics, Democratization, Cooperation and Conflict, Third World Quarterly, Globalizations, Politics, and South European Society and Politics, among others. I am the co-author of (with Nathalie Tocci) Turkey and the European Union (Palgrave, 2015) and author of Constructions of European Identity (Palgrave, 2012). I am a fellow of the Young Academy of Europe, a member of the ECFR Council, and a member of the Global Relations Forum (GIF). I also sit on the editorial boards of the following journals: Journal of European Integration, Journal of Language and Politics, South European Society and Politics, New Perspectives on Turkey. I was awarded the Young Scientist Award of Turkey’s Science Academy (BAGEP) in 2014.

You can follow me on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/senemaydndzgit

To access full texts of  all my publications, please visit my Academia profile at: http://wwwsabanciuniv.academia.edu/SenemAydinD%C3%BCzgit